e-Ticket Distribution System
The use of electronic tickets is a current topic for all transport companies, including politicians. Subsidies are prepared accordingly so that all transport companies can adapt or replace the technology they use in order to be able to issue, process and check chip cards in the future.
In cooperation with Verkehrsautomatisierung Berlin GmbH, we support you in this challenge. We provide you with the sales background system ABO-VU and our KAPRIS-System for data management and issuing the required authorizations on the chip cards at your sales workplace. The hardware required for issuing tickets is of course part of our service.
Introduction KAPRIS
We set you up in our KAPRIS-System as customer contract partners (KVPS). We provide you with an integration test system at VDV core application-security-level-2 and a productive system at VDV core application-security-level-3. The provision of our software as well as the ABO-VU takes place as Software as a Service, whereby the hosting takes place in a DIN EN ISO 27001 certified data center in Dresden. (Germany).
The personalization devices are controlled via our KAPRIS-PE-Connector software, which enables interaction with chip cards in accordance with the VDV-KA-Specification. The PE-Connector works on a single board computer (SBC), which allows us to interact with the table card reader and card printer.
We provide you with a color printer with a chip card writing function for personalizing the chip cards. It is also possible to output the data via a mass personalizer.
In order to be able to read and personalize your customers' chip cards in sales, we also provide you with a desktop reader with chip card reading and writing functions.
Printer with chipcard writing function
Desktop Reader
Introduction of ABO-VU
With ABO-VU, individual and corporate customer subscriptions as well as all processes related to school transport are managed in the transport company. The basis for tickets, plastic cards, eTickets and customer letters is the respective network tariff. The form of payment (cash payment, direct debit, invoice) and the validity of the subscriptions are agreed in the subscription specifications. A SEPA bank file is generated for the direct debit of the subscriptions. In extensive evaluations and statistics, the subscription data is evaluated in relation to the range and customer. Evaluations, revenue allocations and various exports can be issued.